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My name is Paul Riley (aka @political_paul), and I hail from the great city of Philadelphia, PA. Yes, this means that I love cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, "water ice," the Eagles, and the Phillies! After graduating from The Episcopal Academy, I ventured 50 miles north to Princeton University, where I received a bachelor's degree in Politics. Upon graduating, I moved out to San Francisco and worked in a variety of different roles for 4 years before matriculating to Columbia Law School.  

The Riley Rant is a blog and podcast discussing all things political, professional, and personal. With my background in Politics, I hope to provide political rants on some of the most defining issues of the 116th Congress and the 2020 Election. With my experiences in HR, Sales, and now Legal in a variety of industries, I hope to provide professional rants regarding ways in which we should think about our job and our careers. Lastly, I hope to leverage my personal experiences and content from around the web to provide personal rants on issues that we all may be dealing with but never seem to discuss openly. 

At this point, you may be wondering: Who is this guy, and who does he think he is? Great questions. I am definitely not an expert. I don't have all of the answers. And, I may actually get it wrong sometimes. But, this is exactly why I need your help!


Please comment on podcasts and blog posts that you agree and disagree with, and please don't hesitate to contact me directly by clicking on the mail icon at the top of this page with any feedback or suggestions on future topics.

Let's Rant! 


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